Welcome back, everyone!
Sometimes when you read others' tweets, you find some messages that you don't have a whole lot to say about but still just want to give a shoutout to. Maybe you could "retweet" those messages with simple messages like "wow" or "awesome!" attached before them.
And this is what a lot of Korean people do when they use Twitter.
So, "Wow" in Korean is 우와 [u-wa].
So next time you want to show some exclamation about someone's tweet, try adding the word "우와!" when you retweet the message!
The same goes for "Awesome!" - you can use the same word, 우와 [u-wa].
If you want to say "Awesome, that sounds good! That's a good idea!", you can say 좋아요! [jo-a-yo], meaning that you agree to it.
If you want to say "Awesome, that's really cool! Amazing!", you can say 멋져요! [meot-jyeo-yo], meaning that you think that the other person or something that the other person is doing is really cool.
But for now, I'd just recommend using "우와" : )
Have fun tweeting in Korean!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to tweet me in Korean at @ever4one!